Add to cart error after loading product view inside a lightbox (ajaxed)

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12 年 前
Hi Guys,

I'm from the PHP camp but was amazed by the cart, congrads to the team for creating such a feature rich cart.

As for the issue I'm having, this is more of a ASP question. I'm loading the product view in a ajax lightbox, used a few if statements to skip the header and footer. All goes well untill I click 'add to cart', where I get a "Validation of viewstate MAC failed." error.

I've tried removing the first form using firebug and adding   enableEventValidation="false" viewStateEncryptionMode ="Never"  validateRequest="false" to the config with no luck.

I'm assuimg the view state var is some thing like the php session/cookie. In this page, there are 4 add to cart buttons with the same name and value. For the life of me I can't figure out how the server knows which one the user clicked on.

So guys, any enlightment on this would be greatly appreciated.

12 年 前
OMG, amature mistake. Needed full path in action param for the request to goto /products rather than /cat. Appending absolute path to form action field using js fixed it :D
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