displaying 3 rows / products

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12 年 前
The recently added products is good but only displays 2 products per row. I want to be able to display 3 products in a row. And i want to display all products not just one with the "CreatedOn" field.

Need to display all products based on category. I cannot find where you are running the query?

Sorry im new to all this..

hope you can help
12 年 前
go to RecentlyAddedProducts.ascx
and find this line:

<asp:DataList ID="dlCatalog" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            RepeatLayout="Table" ItemStyle-CssClass="item-box">
                <div class="separator2">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductBox1 ID="ctrlProductBox" Product='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
                        runat="server" />

where is RepeatColumns set the number you want.
12 年 前
just need to work out how to ammend the query for the grid?
based on category?
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