Be Careful when upgrading to version 2.0

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12 年 前
I am editing this post. I made a big mistake and downloaded the regular install when I should have downloaded the upgrade script.. Fortunately I did do a backup. The table names for version 2.0 have been changed,. So if you are a developer, I suggest you create a clean copy of the new database, so that you can compare the changes in names and structure. If you are using any automated scripts, these changes will have to be taken into consideration. For example:

Nop_pictures is now Pictures keyid is now Id not pictureid
Nop_Category is now Category Keyid is now Id not categoryid etc.

Hope this helps.
12 年 前
see above repost
12 年 前
1. you need to read README.txt files before upgrading your DB or any piece of code.

2. you can use nopCommerce forums to ask community if you don't know how to achieve sucssesful installation/upgrade process.
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