2.0 Button 'SaveContinue'

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12 年 前
If you click the 'SaveContinue'-Button you get the 'List'-window instead of the 'Edit'-window.

NOP 2.0
SQL-Server 2008
Windows 7
IE 9.0

In Admin/Category/List just change some record and click the 'SaveContinue'-Button. The record is saved, but the application goes back to the 'List'-window instaed remaining in the 'Edit'-window.

Same behavior in other menu items...

The 'bool continueEditing' in the public ActionResult Edit is false and should be true in this case.
12 年 前
It works fine on my machine. Does anybody else have this issue?

BTW, have you made any customization? Can you please copy the following file here \Administration\Views\Category\Edit.cshtml?
12 年 前
To be sure I just made a fresh install of nop 2.0 with source. There are no modifications done by me. I get the same behavior. I work with VS2010 and run the application with the integrated development server. When I start the demo application at the nopcommerce website everything works fine, but on my machine the application return the 'List'-view instead the 'Edit'-view.

This is my '\Administration\Views\Category\Edit.cshtml' file:

@model CategoryModel

@using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { id = "category-form" }))
    <div class="section-header">
        <div class="title">
            <img src="@Url.Content("~/Administration/Content/images/ico-catalog.png")" alt="" />
            @T("Admin.Catalog.Categories.EditCategoryDetails") - @Model.Name @Html.ActionLink("(" + T("Admin.Catalog.Categories.BackToList") + ")", "List")
        <div class="options">
            <input type="submit" value="@T("Admin.Common.Preview")" onclick="javascript:OpenWindow('@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { categoryId = Model.Id, SeName = "" })', 800, 600, true); return false;" class="t-button" />
            <button type="submit" name="save" value="save" class="t-button">@T("Admin.Common.Save")</button>
            <button type="submit" name="save" value="save-continue" class="t-button">@T("Admin.Common.SaveContinue")</button>
            <span id="category-delete" class="t-button">@T("Admin.Common.Delete")</span>
    @Html.Partial("_CreateOrUpdate", Model)
12 年 前
I just made a new fresh installation on my local webserver and run the application on the local webserver instead of the VS2010 development-server. I get the same behavior.
12 年 前
I am unable to replicate this issue.  Your file appears unaltered.  Perhaps try clearing your cache or if you are behind an ISA server try clearing that cache or attempting it from an outside source.
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
It works fine on my machine. Does anybody else have this issue?

BTW, have you made any customization? Can you please copy the following file here \Administration\Views\Category\Edit.cshtml?

Andrei, I posted this same bug before the official release of nop 2.0 version (when 2.0 was in beta version) but I guess nobody paid attention to it since mb mentioned "Could not reproduce".


See point #6 "Save & Continue Button In Product Variant"
12 年 前
abcd_12345 wrote:
Andrei, I posted this same bug before the official release of nop 2.0 version (when 2.0 was in beta version) but I guess nobody paid attention to it since mb mentioned "Could not reproduce".

I also can't reproduce this bug
12 年 前
Like I mentioned in my post "Tested on Browser: I.E 7".

I am not sure which browser / version you're using.

In the very first post here, "andre47" mentioned that he is getting this bug in "IE9".
12 年 前
abcd_12345 wrote:
...he is getting this bug in "IE9".

I tested it in almost all browsers and versions (including IE9). It works fine. If you're directed to a list page, it means that 'continueEditing' parameter of 'Edit' method (ProductVariantController) is always 'false'. 'continueEditing' parameter is set by the following attribute:
FormValueExists("save", "save-continue", "continueEditing")]

Could you please debug the application?
1. Open \Nop.Web.Framework\Controllers\FormValueExistsAttribute.cs file
2. Set breakpoint on line 25 (var formValue = filterContext...)
3. What value does it have when you click on "Save and continue edit"?
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Andrei, I posted this same bug before the official release of nop 2.0 version (when 2.0 was in beta version) but I guess nobody paid attention to it since mb mentioned "Could not reproduce".
I also can't reproduce this bug

Following the steps provided in the first post I could not reproduce this issue.

I tried with the following browsers:
1. FF6.0.1
2. IE9.0.8

I'm running nopCommerce 2.00 with no custom modifications to categories, products, or manufacturers.
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