losing customer/user session

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14 年 前
Hi, I'm having problems losing the user session on one server, but not another.  On my local machine I never seem to have a problem.  However, on the hosted server the user gets knocked out randomly and frequently.  This happens especially within the Admin section.  Also, after getting booted to the login page, I usually have to input my user/password twice before being redirected to the previous page.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

14 年 前
This seem to have something to do with the hosted environments settings about allowing Sessions and the timeout for sessions. Contact the host and ask them how the session manager is handled in their environment and also check with them if they have medium trust on your account/application settings.
14 年 前
THanks for the reply!  I did notice that my application is running under "Full" trust and found out that my host is running IIS under "Medium".  Might that have something to do with it?  I'll ask them about their session settings, but isn't that also something I can override?

Thanks again!
14 年 前
Do you think it could have something to do with using the "InProc" session state and not a "SQL Server session state".  I would hate to have to launch a separate sql server instance just to manage the session.
14 年 前
No that could not be the problem I think. I think it has to do with the trust level. You must have a host that has medium trust I guess. It says something about that in the requirements in docs.
14 年 前
It could quite well be an app pool setting and the application pool recycling and dropping the sessions in the process. You could use Sql Server session state or any other state servers your host may provide.
14 年 前
Hey thanks for the replies.  I'm thinking that it's the application pool.  The host, discountasp.net, claims to maintain medium trust and isolated application pools, but due to resource/time/cpu they may recycle the pool.  Sounds like I may have to use the sql server session state.  bummer, but if it works that's good.  

I know discountasp.net is a "recommended" nopcommerce host.  I wonder if anyone else is hosting with them and experiencing anything similar?
14 年 前

I'm with DiscountASP.net too and I have noticed lately that every now and again it is bumping me out when I'm in the Adminstration part of the site. I had just presumed my session had timed out tho.

Can you please let me know if (and how) you manage to resolve this?

14 年 前
THanks for the note.  I've sent a reply to discountasp to see if they've done something different with their servers recently or if they know why this may be happening.  Basically, it appears that it doesn't really matter what page you are accessing.  If it takes long to load then you get kicked out of your session.  Of course, larger (more info intense) pages tend to do this more often.  I wouldn't think that it would meet their session timeout criteria:

    * Idle timeout set to 20 minutes. (Information is NOT logged)
    * Memory threshold set to 200 MB.
    * CPU limit set to 70% utilization over 300 seconds (5 minutes).

That's the info they gave me.  They also recommend I look at using the SQL session state.  Sounds like some changes were made and now the option is to pay them for another SQL instance.
14 年 前
Don't pay for another SQL Database, you can change the SQL Session State Sql Script to use an existing database ;-)

I'll see if I can dig up the article we used as a reference.

It takes a little of fuffing around, but as long as you are comfortable with sql, you won't have a problem.

One caveat to using Sql Session State is that all the object you are persisting to the session need to be serializable.
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