
I built the 2.1 source solution and ran the application from inside VS 2010.  The setup steps completed successfully and I was able to see and navigate around the store web site.  NopCommerce is awsome!

Now I wanted to setup the web site on the same local XP machine so I can browse to the site using IE.  Using IIS6, I created a website named MyStore that points to C:\Projects\nopCommerce_2.10_Source\Presentation and a virtual directory named Web that points to C:\Projects\nopCommerce_2.10_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web
ASP.NET account has Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions.

When I try to browse to the site, I am getting the “The websites declined to show this webpage” error.  What am I missing here?  What are the correct steps to deploy nopCommerce (Windows XP, IIS6)?

Any help is appreciated.