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12 年 前
Please use this thread to make the case for NopCommerce
12 年 前
PD24 wrote:
Please use this thread to make the case for NopCommerce

I think it would be more effective if you shared your requirements of an e-commerce platform. In addition to your requirements share what you like about either platform and your dislikes. This thread would then be geared towards accomplishing your specific needs and less about other users opinions on the two platforms. For example I could say that the flexibility nopCommerce provides is why I chose this framework, but if you don't intend to write C# extensions then my point is moot.
12 年 前
12 年 前
I have used ADNSF on multiple websites and I only use NOP now.


ADNSF is cumbersome... nopCommerce is so simple to setup and use that it makes me feel all tingly inside when I think about it.

The only thing that I wish I could contribute to NopCommerce is with the version upgrade process. As of right now, it is a guarantee that you will lose many modifications you make after you upgrade. I think Nop could learn something from DotNetNuke *only when it comes to upgrades*. DNN makes upgrades easy. You download the upgrade, paste into your root folder, the site automatically runs DB scripts, and when you are finished drinking your coffee, your site is up and running with all modifications you made in tact.

The Nop 2.0 version is absolutely fantastic!
12 年 前
gracemedia wrote:
I have used ADNSF on multiple websites and I only use NOP now.


ADNSF is cumbersome... nopCommerce is so simple to setup and use that it makes me feel all tingly inside when I think about it.

The only thing that I wish I could contribute to NopCommerce is with the version upgrade process. As of right now, it is a guarantee that you will lose many modifications you make after you upgrade. I think Nop could learn something from DotNetNuke *only when it comes to upgrades*. DNN makes upgrades easy. You download the upgrade, paste into your root folder, the site automatically runs DB scripts, and when you are finished drinking your coffee, your site is up and running with all modifications you made in tact.

The Nop 2.0 version is absolutely fantastic!

+1 for the tingly comment.  I had a good laugh. There are patterns you can apply in nopCommerce to make your code more upgrade resistant. With the enhancements on plugin architecture the upgrade pain is slowly dissipating. The upgrade process of e-commerce platforms are all pretty similar so I wouldn't attribute it to only nopCommerce.
12 年 前
gracemedia wrote:
ADNSF is cumbersome...

I think people should see some parts of source code of ADNSF before purchasing it.

Below is a part of 'Edit gift card' page.
1. editcreditcard.aspx.
<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="AspDotNetStorefrontAdmin.editcreditcard" CodeFile="editcreditcard.aspx.cs" %>
Yes, that's all! File is empty!

2. editcreditcard.aspx.cs. Below are some parts of this file:
The fist part (raw sql):
String NewGUID = DB.GetNewGUID();
                        sql.Append("insert into CreditCardType(CardTypeGUID,CardType) values(");
                        sql.Append(DB.SQuote(NewGUID) + ",");
                        sql.Append(DB.SQuote(CommonLogic.Left( CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent("CardType"), 100)));

The second part (overridden RenderContents method):
writer.Write("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"editcreditcard.aspx?CardTypeID=" + CardTypeID.ToString() + "&edit=" + Editing.ToString() + "\" method=\"post\" id=\"Form1\" name=\"Form1\" onsubmit=\"return (validateForm(this) && Form_Validator(this))\" onReset=\"return confirm('Do you want to reset all fields to their starting values?');\">\n");
                writer.Write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"IsSubmit\" value=\"true\">\n");
                writer.Write("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
                writer.Write("              <tr valign=\"middle\">\n");
                writer.Write("                <td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\">\n");
                writer.Write("                </td>\n");
                writer.Write("              </tr>\n");
12 年 前
my requirements are:

catalogue style website with 30 categories with over 200 products.

There i need some sort of spreadsheet upload facility to upload products and there categories

Later down the line i want to turn on the ecommerce features so that i can set the site up to trade.
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
ADNSF is cumbersome...

I think people should see some parts of source code of ADNSF before purchasing it.

Below is a part of 'Edit gift card' page.
1. editcreditcard.aspx.
<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="AspDotNetStorefrontAdmin.editcreditcard" CodeFile="editcreditcard.aspx.cs" %>
Yes, that's all! File is empty!

2. editcreditcard.aspx.cs. Below are some parts of this file:
The fist part (raw sql):
String NewGUID = DB.GetNewGUID();
                        sql.Append("insert into CreditCardType(CardTypeGUID,CardType) values(");
                        sql.Append(DB.SQuote(NewGUID) + ",");
                        sql.Append(DB.SQuote(CommonLogic.Left( CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent("CardType"), 100)));

The second part (overridden RenderContents method):
writer.Write("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"editcreditcard.aspx?CardTypeID=" + CardTypeID.ToString() + "&edit=" + Editing.ToString() + "\" method=\"post\" id=\"Form1\" name=\"Form1\" onsubmit=\"return (validateForm(this) && Form_Validator(this))\" onReset=\"return confirm('Do you want to reset all fields to their starting values?');\">\n");
                writer.Write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"IsSubmit\" value=\"true\">\n");
                writer.Write("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
                writer.Write("              <tr valign=\"middle\">\n");
                writer.Write("                <td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\">\n");
                writer.Write("                </td>\n");
                writer.Write("              </tr>\n");

Andrei that code is hideous, wow!  Thanks for sharing.
12 年 前
PD24 wrote:
my requirements are:

catalogue style website with 30 categories with over 200 products.

There i need some sort of spreadsheet upload facility to upload products and there categories

Later down the line i want to turn on the ecommerce features so that i can set the site up to trade.

1. nopCommerce does have excel product import and it will handle 200 products just fine.
2. nopCommerce will easily support 30 categories and 200 products.
3. You can publish products, but disable them for purchase until you're ready to start selling.

Try it out. The demo sites are below.
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