Installed newest version of nopcpm on existing nopcom website

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12 年 前
Hey guys,

I hope anyone that can help please do.
First things first, did a full database and website backup, twice.

Here is whats happening:
"We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time."

I ran the whole setup locally on my pc, sql express and ran the install feature.
Do only thing was the page after the install had no effects just plain black and white.

I got no errors expanding file. or running the two bat files after i built solution.
deleted all the existing installation files from my site associated to the installation.

Locally, I copied the styles.css from the nopclassic theme and copied to the other themes that I am basing that one off of and put them insto the the three test thmes i have after copying the themes into the theme folder of the new 2.10.

I copied over the styles, and other files that point to the theme location and modified accordingly to each theme ex /noptest/styles.css inside of the appropriate files.

Now I also copied the images folder contents into the contents/images folder, so as to make job at preserving what new changes.

Next, i ftped the files and folders to the same root directory.

I am trying to access the website and I got that error. I can still go to the admin subfolder and login as an admin I created. I changed settings to point website to nopclassic or noporange theme which i didnt touch.

I also copied the settings.txt file(this is from the original 2.1 install I backed up.) I changed info for protection
DataProvider: sqlserver
DataConnectionString: Data Source=(databasename).db.(seriesofnumbers);Initial Catalog=nopzonintech;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=(thenopuserthathasadminrightstodb;Password=Mypassword;MultipleActiveResultSets=True

I am stuck, what do i do?
12 年 前
one other detail, i havent run the sql scirpt to go to 2.20 yet...
12 年 前
To find out what went wrong you need to turn off the custom errors mode.
1. Open web.config file
2. Find out the following line <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="RemoteOnly">
3. Replace it with <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">
12 年 前
Hi Andrei, thank you. i got this now.

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12 年 前
I don't think I can help you in this case. Really weird =)))
12 年 前
Ok, Im going to replace all my backed up files now, ill tell what happens.

Please explain then how to install mercurial. DO i need to run the app locally on my sql 7.5 .net 4.0 and sql express server 2008 r2? Or can I copy over the files directly from the src and run the insall on the website after executing the three steps?
12 年 前
the 3 steps being build in vs 10 and then running the 2 batch files?
12 年 前
nopgabriel wrote:
Please explain then how to install mercurial.

Find more info about CodePlex Mercurial support here or here.

What three steps do you mean?
12 年 前
I mean the three steps of building the vs10 file, then running the two batches.
I went further this time and ran it locally and created a local db, and ran the install part, didnt install sample data.
One other thing, I didn't run the sql script for 2.20

I then copied the folders to the site using ftp.
I am loading again now, this time not running the install loaclly connected to my nopcom21 within my iis 7.
about 20 minutes away.
12 年 前
ok, my site is up again, but I had to put it back to original 2.10. i dont know what happened.
I want to see if you can review my steps to see where I might have crapped up the install.

unpackaged zip, went to the visual studios 10 file.
Opened it, wne to topmost part of heirarchy and did a build 52 went ok 0 wanr and 0 errors.
Ran the bat files in the order specified.
Wen to iis 7.5 express created application root and also made sure the web user had full access to the folder where the nop2.1 and picked that as the folder(the one created under src)
created a db with same db name and same username as original and same pw.
connected, the site ran in black and white(first red flag for me) locally
I then grabbed the theme files and images folder, I copied the new styles.css into each and also included anything new that made use of the name and location of the theme, these two head.cshtml also copied webconfig files into the old themes folders.
Made sure they were pointing to find the subfolder where the theme is loacted e.g. noptest/content/styles.css also copied some images over that were ones i created.
Copied images that i had uploaded into the contents/images folder.

Then I ftped everything over thinking i had been thorough enough.
I am going to be buying the user guide, does the user guide go over the styles.css and also give an indepth breakdown of things related to editing including best practices?

Thanks again andrei. Once we go live i will be buying the key to remove the powered by nopcommerce, the site is to repeat it is running now, but i had to copy all the old 2.1 files over.
I am trying to improve the speed being that the loading time is taking a long time, i only have a 2 mb db since i decided to store images in the folders instead of the db.

All throughout i was able to always access the admin folder and see the db, but a little scary since i was working with backed up live data.
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