Sell Products In Multiples Of Twos And Fours? In v2

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12 年 前
How do you set a product to only be allowed to be sold in 2s or 4s? I have set the minimum cart to 2 or 4 but the user can still add 3 or 5 which defeats the object?

I only want them to be allowed to enter multiples... So for multiples of 4, if they enter 5 or 6 they get an error? Is this possible? I know it was possible in v1.9?
12 年 前
Anyone know how to do this?  I'm using v2.2?
12 年 前
leen3o wrote:
How do you set a product to only be allowed to be sold in 2s or 4s? I have set the minimum cart to 2 or 4 but the user can still add 3 or 5 which defeats the object?

I only want them to be allowed to enter multiples... So for multiples of 4, if they enter 5 or 6 they get an error? Is this possible? I know it was possible in v1.9?

This feature as such is not availabel out of the box. If you are not concerned with inventory control, you can have 2 product variants: 1) sold in packages of 2 items and 2) sold in packages of 4 units.
12 年 前
Wow... Cannot believe this isn't built in!  This is a must for at least two of our clients, better start looking at a mod/plugin
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