The controller for path '/nopCommerce2/nopCommerce2.Web/Admin/Tax/ConfigureProvider' was not found or does not implement IController.

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12 年 前

I am trying to create a nopCommerce 2.0 tax provider. I used the StrikeIron one as a example and I customized it. I installed the plugin and it appears in the provider list, however, when I click configure I get this error:

The controller for path '/nopCommerce2/nopCommerce2.Web/Admin/Tax/ConfigureProvider' was not found or does not implement IController.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? NopCommerce is running fine and I have MVC 3 on the server.

Joseph Anderson
President, JMA Web Technologies
12 年 前
I put my plugin in the bin folder and the plugin/tax.avalara folder and it works. I guess you need the bin in both places.
12 年 前
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