One page checkout new billing address

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12 年 前
I have modified some code, but I still think this applies to the unfmodified release.

In the action OpcSaveBilling in the CheckoutController there is:

TryUpdateModel(model.NewAddress, "BillingNewAddress");

But from my tests, this doesn't update the model. Shouldn't it be:

TryUpdateModel(model.NewAddress, "NewAddress");

Or did I miss something? The model name is NewAddress, not BillingNewAddress
12 年 前
No, it works fine and the model is updated. Please open \Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Checkout\OpcBillingAddress.cshtml file. There is the following line of code which indicates that we use 'BillingNewAddress' prefix
dataDictAddress.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = "BillingNewAddress";
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
No, it works fine and the model is updated. Please open \Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Checkout\OpcBillingAddress.cshtml file. There is the following line of code which indicates that we use 'BillingNewAddress' prefix
dataDictAddress.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = "BillingNewAddress";

Okay, great. Missed that
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