How to remove a MVC Route

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12 年 前

I'm building my own check-out & register logic.
So for this I have my own IRouteProvider implementation and it works.
However once in a while I get things like:

Exception message: A route named 'Register' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.

How can I fixed this ?

public class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
        public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "MyAccount" },
                new[] { "" });
                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "Info" },
                new[] { "" });

                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "Register" },
                new[] { "" });
                new { controller = "xxxCustomer", action = "RegisterResult" },
                new { resultId = @"\d+" },
                new[] { "" });


        public int Priority
            get { return 0; }

What does Priority do ?
12 年 前
Setting the priority to -1 does the trick.
12 年 前
In my case this works only on my development machine, but on the production server the plugin's routes are never called...any idea?
12 年 前
solved, I didn't noticed the shadow copy folder of the plugins was not cleared on application start-up!
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