Admin Approval Emails

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12 年 前
I have set up my site so that there is a wholesale side of the store that requires users to login in order to view the store. If they don't already have a login and password then they need to register and all new registrations are subject to admin approval.

I'm trying to create an email alert to me whenever a new user registers so I can quickly approve them. Is this a setting?

Also, I would like create a custom email to send to new registerees explaining that they will be confirmed shortly and will soon have access to the store etc.

12 年 前
Go to admin area > configuration > settings > customer settings. Set 'Registration method' to 'Admin approval'
12 年 前
I already changed this setting and it works for not letting users login until I approve them but I have to go in and check for new users. Instead I want to receive email notifications of new users signing up.
12 年 前
Ensure that 'Notify about new customer registration' is ticked
12 年 前
I've done that as well but it's not generating an email letting me know that there is a new registration that is pending approval.
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