PayPal Express User Addresses

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12 年 前
I am sucessfully using the PayPal Express plugin but have a question about the BillTo and ShipTo addresses.

After I login with my nopCommerce name/password I add an item to the cart and proceed to check out. The first time I did this using the PayPal sand box. Another time I did an actual charge.

Now, whenever I go to checkout an item and proceed through the checkout process I see three billto and shipto addresses to choose form: my registered one, my sandbox one, and my actual PayPay account.

I'm assuming the two other than my registered one are coming from cookies, or what?

I'm thinking this could be confusing to users, or maybe not. Any ideas?
12 年 前
I think I answered my own question. Apaprently after a charge is made on PayPal Express the user name/address/email on PayPal is actually entered into the nopCommerce database . Thus I see my addresses in the nopCommerce database as three items -- my register address, the PayPal sandbox address, and now my actual address on PayPal.

It also appears that the order will show a shipping and billing address from PayPal and ignore any address entered on registering in the store or entered manually at checkout.
12 年 前
How did you implement?
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