Adding optional (ie, can be disabled by Admin setting) item to main menu

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12 年 前
Basically, I'm adding a Silverlight 4 Bing Map as a new page to nopCommerce (e.g., to display customers on a map).  I'm stuck trying to figure out where to modify the database mappping to the model so that a new menu item can be added as optional (kinda like Forums and Blogs) and persisted (saved).

What I've done so far works great (map is displayed) so long as I comment out the optional section (ie, the IF block).  I'd like to be able to make this an Admin controllable item.  Here are the steps I've taken:
1. Add bool value to model
Modified [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Models\Common\MenuModel.cs to add new boolean value:
        public bool MapEnabled { get; set; }
2. Register route
Modified [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Infrastructure\RouteProvider.cs (right after home page stuff) and added:
                            new { controller = "Map", action = "Index" },
                            new[] { "Nop.Web.Controllers" });
3. Add conditional logic for menu item display
Modified [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Views\Common\Menu.cshtml (right after home page stuff) and added:
    @if (Model.MapEnabled)
        <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Map")">@T("Map")</a></li>
4. Add string resource to database
INSERT INTO [dbo].[LocaleStringResource]
5. Create partial view base
A. Copied from existing [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Views\Shared\_ColumnsOne.cshtml to create _ColumnsOneMap.cshtml
B. Modified _ColumnsOneMap.cshtml replace contents with (note map section):
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml";
<div class="master-wrapper-center-1">
    <div class="master-wrapper-cph-1">
       <div style="height:600px; overflow: scroll">
        @Helpers.Silverlight("~/ClientBin/BingMaps.Silverlight.xap", "4.0")
     @Html.Action("WidgetsByZone", "Widget", new { widgetZone = Nop.Core.Domain.Cms.WidgetZone.BeforeMainColumn })
        @Html.Action("WidgetsByZone", "Widget", new { widgetZone = Nop.Core.Domain.Cms.WidgetZone.AfterMainColumn })
6. Create new view that inherits from partial view
A. Add Map folder under [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Views and add new view [Project Root]\Libraries\Nop.Web\Views\Map\Map\Index.cshtml to it
B. Modified Map.cshtml replace contents with:
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOneMap.cshtml";

<div class="mapmain">

What am I missing?  I know the model has to be mapped (not mapped as in Bing Maps but code to database mapped) to the database but I can't figure out where this happens for the menu items.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
12 年 前
Never mind... just figured it out (searched for all instances of forumenabled in the solution, it was obvious then)... had to:
- add new folder/file to Nop.Domain project... MapSettings.cs file.. MapSettings to inherit from ISettings
- modify CommonController.cs to: reference new map settings class, instantiate map settings variable, add reference to new bool value in menu
- add row to dbo.Settings for new map settings true/false value

It works great and am able to modify the value via the Admin console!

Next, need to add a tab to the General and Misc Settings screen to display map settings (and possibly add some additional ones).

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