I would like to make a simple change request: adding new customer token Customer.AccountActivationToken

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12 年 前
I'm doing email confirmation (in some cases using a plugin web service) and need to be able to get to the activation Token from the message templates (I added a new one for email confirm displaying i the token instead of a link).  While you are add it, might as well add the one for password recovery also.

Change is in MessageTokenProvider.cs at or around line 492.

I'm making the changes for myself, but thought this could be of general use for others as I'm not setup to work in the repository.

Secondary nicety, is that in WorkflowMessageService.cs function SendCustomerEmailValidationMessage if there some ability to indicate which template to use (email link vs email token) or perhaps a flag parameter to the function.  Again this is a point perhaps of increasing generality.

Bernie Schoch
12 年 前
Thanks. I've just created a work item
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