Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent.

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12 年 前
Scrooby wrote:

You're right. Thanks for reporting. Although you still can get "Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent" log messages when using RemotePost class, it works fine (I've just tested) and a customer is redirected to a third-party site. What browser are you using?
12 年 前
Thanks for your response. I'm browsing in Firefox 10.0.2. I also just tested in Google Chrome and got the same result.

If I replace:

if (this.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
    //redirection has been done in PostProcessPayment
    return Content("Redirected");
    //if no redirection has been done (to a third-party payment page)
    //theoretically it's not possible
    return RedirectToRoute("CheckoutCompleted");

With just:

return Content("Redirected");

I still get the blank page (still not redirecting to PayPoint), but I don't get an error in my Log table.
12 年 前
Seems that RemotePost doesn't work on your machine at all. Could you please try another browser and let me know whether it works?
12 年 前
Just tried on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 9 and got the same result, a blank page and a "Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent." error in my Log table.
12 年 前
If I do what Chease did and change Compression to "False", the POST to PayPoint works fine...
10 年 前
Where do i disable the compression ?
7 年 前
Also make sure PaymentMethodType is set to Redirection. Mine was different but it worked when I changed it! (:

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a payment method type
        /// </summary>
        public PaymentMethodType PaymentMethodType
                return PaymentMethodType.Redirection;
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