shipping <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> not loading in IE8

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12 年 前
Hi All,

Shipping XML not loading IE8 and able to get the XML result from IE9 and rest of the browsers like Firefox , chrome & Safari.

Below are the details about the issue I am facing.

Billing selected
shipping selected
Shipping method selected
Payment Type authorize.Net

while payment process(Proving credit card details), getting following error.

Error: Shipping total couldn't be calculated. Full exception: Nop.Core.NopException: Shipping total couldn't be calculated at Nop.Services.Orders.OrderProcessingService.PlaceOrder(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest) in D:\Pigment - Cosmetics\nopcommerce 2.30\Libraries\Nop.Services\Orders\OrderProcessingService.cs:line 660

while debugging the error, able to find out XML is not loading. for example below XML is loading

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ShippingOption xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Name>UPS Ground</Name>

Actual error at OrderProcessingService.cs

from below function

public virtual PlaceOrderResult PlaceOrder(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest)

code position

var shippingOption = customer.GetAttribute<ShippingOption>(SystemCustomerAttributeNames.LastShippingOption);

it goes through this function and customerAttribute.Value is null,

I have tried with different approach, but unable to succeed on this, please help me on this ASAP.

With Regards
12 年 前
You don't seem to be in the right place in the code.  The exception is thrown here as per the message

                //shipping total
                decimal? orderShippingTotalInclTax, orderShippingTotalExclTax = null;
                if (!processPaymentRequest.IsRecurringPayment)
                    decimal taxRate = decimal.Zero;
                    Discount shippingTotalDiscount = null;
                    orderShippingTotalInclTax = _orderTotalCalculationService.GetShoppingCartShippingTotal(cart, true, out taxRate, out shippingTotalDiscount);
                    orderShippingTotalExclTax = _orderTotalCalculationService.GetShoppingCartShippingTotal(cart, false);
                    if (!orderShippingTotalInclTax.HasValue || !orderShippingTotalExclTax.HasValue)
                       throw new NopException("Shipping total couldn't be calculated");

First thing to do is ESTIMATE Shipping from the cart.  That will prove whether it's a "shipping problem".  But, from above, I suspect you have a Tax related problem.
12 年 前

Thanks for the update.

Yes that is the second catch, but in throws the error from the function I have mentioned and follows the rest of the code.
It does not seems to be Tax issue, since in other browser I am able to place the order successfully.

Further testing It seems to be that we have made payment process in Iframe. in IE 9 able to place the order but in IE 8 it is not working.

we have added below code to Iframe page also, but unable to place the order.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Please help me further.

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