Google Checkout Callback

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14 年 前
Im getting the following error when the Google checkout callback returns:

System.Web.HttpException: Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent. at System.Web.HttpResponse.BeforeCookieCollectionChange() at System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Remove(String name) at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SetCookie(HttpApplication application, String key, String val) in D:\Work\Own\NopCommerce\Solution\PublishedSite\Solution\Libraries\Nop.Common\NopContext.cs:line 161 at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SessionSaveToClient() in D:\Work\Own\NopCommerce\Solution\PublishedSite\Solution\Libraries\Nop.Common\NopContext.cs:line 128 at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.HttpModules.MembershipHttpModule.Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\Work\Own\NopCommerce\Solution\PublishedSite\Solution\Libraries\Nop.HttpModules.MembershipModule\MembershipHttpModule.cs:line 163

any help?????
14 年 前
This bug was in v1.20. I highly recommend you to upgrade to v1.30
14 年 前
Thank you for replying but I am using V 1.3, and I am still getting the error in the log file, and after I get the response from Google, I get a blank page.

Any other thoughts?

14 年 前

Is anybody getting the same error? any fixes, thoughts?

14 年 前
i am having exactly the same problem but when i add something to basket

  Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent.
Exception:  System.Web.HttpException: Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent. at System.Web.HttpResponse.BeforeCookieCollectionChange() at System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Remove(String name) at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SetCookie(HttpApplication application, String key, String val) at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SessionSaveToClient() at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.HttpModules.MembershipHttpModule.Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\simon\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Benna\Libraries\Nop.HttpModules.MembershipModule\MembershipHttpModule.cs:line 163
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