Order price changes in the last step

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12 年 前
Recently configured a webshop and the according currencies, taxes and locations.

Next, i tried to place an order and it all goes well until the very final step.

I have a product that costs €32,00. I order it, go through all the cart steps and in the end, in the order complete status, there's a link <click here for order details>. When clicking this, the product suddenly costs €21.76.

In administration, checking the orders, they all say €32,00. VAT is included and shipment costs are set to 0 (at present).

Being bit of a noob, i don't see what could be causing this. Anyone has any idea maybe?

using nopcommerce 2.40
12 年 前
Can you go through checkout again and look at the price at the bottom of the screen each time?  That might help you determine where it is changing.
12 年 前
Thanks for the reply...

Seems i needed to set the currency exchange rate to 1
Took me a couple of hours, but i found the answer right here:
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