Noobie Question about Setting Classes

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12 年 前

I am trying to understand how everything works to understand design patterns and improve the way I build as a noob.

I am looking in the blog controller which has:

this._blogSettings = blogSettings;

I understand where it is, but I can't figure out how it gets populated, can someone people point me in the right direction
12 年 前
The short answer is the DI library fills it for you when you inject it in the constructor.

The long answer eventually leads you to  Nop.Services.Configuration.ConfigurationProvider<TSettings> which fills the properties based on their name matching the key in the Setting table

// get properties we can write to
var properties =
    from prop in typeof(TSettings).GetProperties()
    where prop.CanWrite && prop.CanRead
    let setting = _settingService.GetSettingByKey<string>(typeof(TSettings).Name + "." + prop.Name)
    where setting != null
    where CommonHelper.GetNopCustomTypeConverter(prop.PropertyType).CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))
    let value = CommonHelper.GetNopCustomTypeConverter(prop.PropertyType).ConvertFromInvariantString(setting)
    select new { prop, value };
12 年 前
Thanks, I knew the Di would create the instance but didn't know the rest.

Many thanks.
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