Hi. is it possible to list products by price?

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12 年 前
Is it possible to list products which fit under a selected price filter? say 50 to 100 $ for example?
it's easy to do this for a single category.
but can it be done for all of the products of the store? I couldn't find anyway to do this.
(I had a look in search, but that won't work when no search term is provided. if search showed all products when no search term was entered, it could be done very easily.)

help me please.
12 年 前
Since the upcoming v2.5 will support search in subcategories I guess this functionality will be available out of the box. You can download it on codeplex to check it out.
12 年 前
It is Possible filter product based on price.
that price range u can give in category table.
Go to admin-->Catalog-->categories-->list-->edit any category
give price range (-25;25-50;50-70;75-)

Thanks & Regards
12 年 前
thanks kumar,
but as I said I don't want the filtering for a single category.
I want it for all products of the store.

thank you Ziad too.
also as I said it can't be done using the search, because it needs a search phrase. doesn't it?
12 年 前
u can apply same price range to all categories
it will come for all products
ur not assigning product to categories
12 年 前
what will be the url for such product listing then?
I'm currently using nop 1.9, and for a single category price filter,
the url is:

what will be the url to request for all products in all categories?
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