Get category list as html in plugin

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12 年 前

I´m building a plugin and need to get the category list in html but I can´t manage to get the category list. Anyone who can help me in the right direction.
12 年 前
var categories = _categoryService.GetAllCategories(true);

(boolean param indicating whether to show hidden records)
12 年 前
New York wrote:
var categories = _categoryService.GetAllCategories(true);

(boolean param indicating whether to show hidden records)

yes, i think based on the question he needs more info....

- do what "New York" sayd in your Conroller / Service Method.
- you have to do "constructor-inject" the ICategoryService .... in your Plugin/Controller/Service wherever you make this.
- return a View ( cshtml ) that takes a List<Categorie> as model or a single model an call it for every Category ... the sky is the limit ..

12 年 前
Thanks for your answers

But I´m struggling to get the list of categories into my view.cshtml I have the list in my controller but can´t get it into a model to be used in the view.

I need the list in a model in my view :   @Html.Raw(Model.Categories)
12 年 前
TCH wrote:
I need the list in a model in my view :   @Html.Raw(Model.Categories)

first line of your view sould contain something like:

@model NameSPaceToMode.Model   - > to tell the view which model it should know ...

show us what you got, so we can be more effective ...
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