Add Text Before Old Price and Price in category template Nop 2.4

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12 年 前
Hello, Very new to asp, I am running the 2.4 version of it. Can anyone tell me how can I add the text "old price" and "price" in the category template. It displays in the product description page but I would like to have display also in the category so that people can see it too, Thank you in advance.
12 年 前
1.go to the
view/Catalog/_ProductPrice.cshtml   file
2. replace the following code
  @model Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.ProductModel.ProductPriceModel
@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.OldPrice))
   <span class="oldproductPrice">@Model.OldPrice</span>
    <br />
  <span class="productPrice">@Model.Price

WITH code in below  
@model Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.ProductModel.ProductPriceModel
           MRP :
@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.OldPrice))
   <span class="oldproductPrice">@Model.OldPrice</span>
    <br />
Our Price: <span class="productPrice">@Model.Price</span>
12 年 前
Hey rajeevjan1991 Thank you very much it work beautiful, I appreciate your help. Take care.
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