Inventory Stock Report?

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12 年 前
In 2.4 & 2.5 is there a way to see a list of inventory & stock on hand? I can see stock in an excel export of Products if stock is maintained only on the variant but most our stock is in the Attribute Combinations (either Sizes, Colors or a combination of both). I've reviewed the tables as well thinking a simple SQL select would work but it looks like the attribute combinations are stored in the tables as XML. Any help would be great. Thanks!
12 年 前
Somone else may be able to use this. It'll do for now.

SELECT     Product.Name, ProductVariant.Sku, ProductVariant.Name AS Variant, ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.TextPrompt, ProductVariantAttributeValue.Name AS Attr, a.StockQuantity AS [Attribute Stock], ProductVariant.StockQuantity AS [Regular Stock]
FROM         (SELECT     Id, ProductVariantId, AttributesXml, StockQuantity, AllowOutOfStockOrders, CONVERT(xml, AttributesXml) AS converted_col1
                       FROM          ProductVariantAttributeCombination) AS a INNER JOIN
                      ProductVariantAttributeValue ON a.converted_col1.value('(//Attributes/ProductVariantAttribute/ProductVariantAttributeValue/Value)[1] ', 'int')
                      = ProductVariantAttributeValue.Id INNER JOIN
                      ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping ON ProductVariantAttributeValue.ProductVariantAttributeId = ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.Id FULL OUTER JOIN
                      ProductVariant ON ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.ProductVariantId = ProductVariant.Id INNER JOIN
                      Product ON ProductVariant.ProductId = Product.Id
WHERE     (Product.Deleted = 0) AND (ProductVariant.Deleted = 0)
ORDER BY Product.Name, ProductVariant.Sku, Variant
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