Final Step of Payment Crash

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12 年 前

I hope someone can help with this issue.

nop Version: 2.4
Payment Gateway: PayPal Standard
error message: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. Full exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Nop.Services.Orders.OrderProcessingService.PlaceOrder(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest)

This occurs when we click on the very last 'Confirm' button. This final step should redirect to PayPal to complete the payment but instead it throws the above error.

As far as I am aware we have not made any changes in the specified source code.

Please can someone point me in the right direction for this.

12 年 前
Did you go into your PayPal account and set it up to accept your payment requests and provide the PDT Identity Token?

You have to configure your PayPal account properly, following the instructions in the 'Configure Paypal Standard' before you can send any transactions to PayPal.
12 年 前
Hi Mike,

Thanks for responding.

Everything is set up correctly with regards to PayPal.

The puzzler is that one page checkout works and gets through to PayPal.

We are using both one page and multi-step.

The multi-step is used on the mobile site. At present we have multi-step on for both mobile and traditional web to test and the error is there on both platforms.

Any further ideas as this has got me perplexed.

12 年 前
It might be the mobile processing. I've read a couple of threads now where, when the mobile site was deactivated, a lot of issues simply disappeared, but I haven't seen anything regarding PayPal. However, I would try disabiling the mobile site processing, and then test again. If it works fine, the bug is in the mobile processing code.
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