Hit count for Nopcommerce 2.5

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12 年 前
Hit count access for nopcommerce 2.5.
I has implemented be in version 1.9 but I do not have the solution in version 2.5
12 年 前
In file Global.asax:

protected void Application_Start()
            //initialize engine context
            Application["OnlineUsers"] = 10;

        void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Code that runs when a new session is started
            Application["OnlineUsers"] = (int)Application["OnlineUsers"] + 1;
            int count_visit = 0;

            //Kiểm tra file count_visit.txt nếu không tồn tại thì
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/count_visit.txt")) == false)
                count_visit = 1;
            // Ngược lại thì
                // Đọc dử liều từ file count_visit.txt
                System.IO.StreamReader read = new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("/count_visit.txt"));
                count_visit = int.Parse(read.ReadLine());
                // Tăng biến count_visit thêm 1

            // khóa website

            // gán biến Application count_visit
            Application["count_visit"] = count_visit;

            // Mở khóa website

            // Lưu dử liệu vào file count_visit.txt
            System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("/count_visit.txt"));
        void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Application["OnlineUsers"] = (int)Application["OnlineUsers"] - 1;

In file View/Shared/Footer.cshtml


But error page.
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