nopCom v2.5 Customize default meta description tag content for ProductsByTag.cshtml

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11 年 前
Google Webmaster tools complains of dozens of web pages which have duplicate meta descriptions.

Currently the following pages output the default meta description set in admin: Configuration > Settings > General And Miscellaneous Settings > SEO Settings


I can see the <meta name="description" content="@(Html.NopMetaDescription())" /> in ~\Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml\_Root.cshtml

Ideally I would like to overload this in the relevant .cshtml files as above and leave the rest of the .cshtml files alone.

Does anyone know how I should go about controlling the meta descriptions tag output on these pages?
11 年 前
1. Open an appropriate cshtml file
2. Use "AddTitleParts", "AddMetaDescriptionParts", and "AddMetaKeywordParts" extensions method.
P.S. Have a look at \Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml file to get an idea
11 年 前
Thanks a.m. - works perfectly!

Below is a fix that I think should be included in the next release. Simple SEO URL Encode that fixes spaces, ampersands, forward slashes etc. in product tags.

CREATE New Class file


START New Class

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Nop.Core;
using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;

namespace Nop.Web.Extensions
    //LFW 15-06-2012 SEO URL Product Tags
    public static class SeoUrlEncodeExtension
        public static string ToSeoUrl(string stringToEncode)
            stringToEncode = (stringToEncode ?? "").Trim().ToLower();

            StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (char ch in stringToEncode)
                switch (ch)
                    case ' ':
                    case '&':
                    case '\'':
                        if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||
                            (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'))

            return url.ToString();


END New Class


ADD  SeoUrlName property to ProductTagModel class

//LFW 15-06-2012 SEO URL Product Tags
public string SeoUrlName { get; set; }



ADD line below 'Name = x.Name,' to ProductTagModel loop within public ActionResult ProductTags(int productId) within CatalogController class

SeoUrlName = SeoUrlEncodeExtension.ToSeoUrl(x.Name), //LFW 15-06-2012 SEO URL Product Tags


ADD line below 'Name = tag.Name,' to ProductTagModel loop within public ActionResult PopularProductTags() within CatalogController class

SeoUrlName = SeoUrlEncodeExtension.ToSeoUrl(tag.Name), //LFW 15-06-2012 SEO URL Product Tags



CHANGE Name to SeoUrlName in ProductTags view

                    <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ProductsByTag", new { productTagId = Model[i].Id, SeName = Model[i].SeoUrlName })" class="producttag">


CHANGE Name to SeoUrlName in PopularProductTags view

                            <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ProductsByTag", new { productTagId = item.Id, SeName = item.SeoUrlName })" style="font-size:@(Model.GetFontSize(item))%;">@item.Name</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

11 年 前
11 年 前
Done. But a bit another way. See changeset 571cd2be1c68
11 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Done. But a bit another way. See changeset 571cd2be1c68

Yeah, That's a more elegant multi-lingual solution.

How are the & and / symbols treated? Are they replaced with a code or stripped or replaced with a hyphen or 'and' like mine?
11 年 前
They're removed. Have a look at \Libraries\Nop.Services\Seo\SeoExtensions.cs file, GetSeName(string name, bool convertNonWesternChars, bool allowUnicodeCharsInUrls, bool urlEncode = false) method for more info
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