Hello, I need to add a new method of payment, as did the control ascx and is appearing, more is not writing
in the code

                        IConfigurePaymentMethodModule configureModule = GetConfigureModule();
                        if (configureModule != null)

configureModule == null then not save...

in my config PaymentMethodDetails.aspx

NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Payment.Methods.PayPal.PagSeguro, Nop.Payment.PagSeguro

Already in the User page, at the end when a request would be to list the forms of payment error occurs

Linha 83:             if (paymentMethod == null)
Linha 84:                 return decimal.Zero;
Linha 85:             IPaymentMethod iPaymentMethod = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(paymentMethod.ClassName)) as IPaymentMethod;
Linha 86:             return iPaymentMethod.GetAdditionalHandlingFee();
Linha 87:         }
