Multi Store v 2.6 + 3 new plugins

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11 年 前
tutor358 wrote:
Hi ....Can you tell me how i can log in as store manager...these following usernames are not getting accepted..

Store managers: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Kindly give store managers Login Email....


I just tried it and I was able to login the [email protected] as a manager and [email protected] as the owner.

Make sure you don't have any spaces before or after the email or password.  Also, check to make sure you are not capitalizing anything.

This is what I used:

To login as the website owner:

Email: [email protected]
Password: 1234

To login as [email protected]

Email: [email protected]
Password: 1234

All the passwords are the same.  Try it again, and see if it works.
11 年 前
i am working on Nop 7.0 multi store version:
NEW customer store and product store mapping tables
Most of the Store code  is in separated folders.
Used partial classes and override methods.

so there is a minimum changes to Nop original code.

I have finished the project, however I have some problem with uploading it to codeplex.
waiting for codeplex support to solve it

hope will publish it very soon
11 年 前
Hi Everyone,

I have downloaded the multistore code and able to build that as well. But when ever I'm clicking on store one from front end, it is giving me an following error :

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SeoSettings' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Source Error:

Line 7:      Html.AddMetaKeywordParts(Model.MetaKeywords);
Line 8:  
Line 9:      var canonicalUrlsEnabled = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<SeoSettings>().CanonicalUrlsEnabled;
Line 10:     if (canonicalUrlsEnabled)
Line 11:     {

Source File: c:\Ricky\MultiStore\nopms25-44a2ebbd5ab3\nopms25_44a2ebbd5ab3\src\Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Catalog\StoreTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml    Line: 9

Can Anyone faced this issue before? Please provide your inputs on this.

Thanks In Advance ..
11 年 前
Can this be used to create a different store on different domain with specific currency & language...?
11 年 前
Dharmik wrote:
Can this be used to create a different store on different domain with specific currency & language...?
11 年 前
hezyz wrote:
i am working on Nop 7.0 multi store version:
NEW customer store and product store mapping tables
Most of the Store code  is in separated folders.
Used partial classes and override methods.

so there is a minimum changes to Nop original code.

I have finished the project, however I have some problem with uploading it to codeplex.
waiting for codeplex support to solve it

hope will publish it very soon

Is this now available at codeplex? Thanks!
11 年 前
is Nopcommerce 2.7 Multistore and Multivondor ready now for download in codeplex?

    you finished all and fix problems ?

i am working on Nop 7.0 multi store version:
NEW customer store and product store mapping tables
Most of the Store code  is in separated folders.
Used partial classes and override methods.

so there is a minimum changes to Nop original code.

I have finished the project, however I have some problem with uploading it to codeplex.
waiting for codeplex support to solve it

hope will publish it very soon
11 年 前
2.8 v with the last nop update
11 年 前
hi , i tested new script in my dedicated server and i see that if customer buy product from different store (different vendors) and add to basket and make order checkout , in the admin panel mainly administrator and vendors see same order page ,  why?  administrator can see all order page from all stores or vendors but vendors must see only own products in their order page , why they see what ordered from another vendors or stores too ?
11 年 前
and second problem is  for example we added some products from different stores and end of the checkout , need to calculate shipping cost but when checkout page cant calculate shipping cost then automaticly deleted some products from cart .
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