VPS Hosting Provider for NopCommerce 2.6 site

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11 年 前
i just start using arvixe VPS pro today with nop 2.5.  Honestly speaking the performance is not quite acceptable.  I don't know if the problem has something to do with the customization done by my developers OR the server itself.

When I click on one of the "category", it takes a 2~3 seconds to load.  The bench mark website http://webwait.com/ shows that on average it takes approximatly 2.8 seconds to load the page with category spcified.  I'm trying to get their tech support to help me now.
11 年 前
Hiya! I just tested one of my nopCustomer customer sites on my Arvixe VPS, running nopCommerce 2.6 - home page average is 1.12 seconds, and categories range from 1.46 to 1.96 seconds. I did notice that a category with more products does seem to take fractionally longer (.5 second) - how many products are in the category you're testing?
11 年 前
IndigoTea wrote:
Hiya! I just tested one of my nopCustomer customer sites on my Arvixe VPS, running nopCommerce 2.6 - home page average is 1.12 seconds, and categories range from 1.46 to 1.96 seconds. I did notice that a category with more products does seem to take fractionally longer (.5 second) - how many products are in the category you're testing?

Hi Indigotea:
Would you mind checking the following post I have in another thread? Maybe you have something to advice.:

cdelaorden wrote:

I had a similar problem with version 2.20 until a week ago, when we spent a full day optimizing everything. My CPU is now sitting happily at 5% with some peaks which is quite normal. Still with version 2.20.

Top 3 things I checked and fixed:

1) Free HD space. It may sound silly, but limited space (specially in the C system drive) makes Win server really SLOW. I had 600Mb of free space (in a 40Gb HD), now I have 16 Gb of free space.

2) Most of this disk space was used by the database log files (.LDF) (13Gb for a 30Mb database). You can truncate them and avoid the default 'auto grow by 10%' setting. To truncate the log files I had to run some query in SQL Management Studio, just google it. For example:


3) Rebuild/reorganize DB indexes to reduce index fragmentation. Again, I used a query in SSMS to return a list of indexes, their table, and their average fragmentation. This is the code:

USE [yourDbName]

SELECT ps.database_id, ps.OBJECT_ID,
ps.index_id, o.name as [Table], b.name as [Index],ps.page_count,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS ps
INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON ps.object_id = o.object_id
AND ps.index_id = b.index_id
WHERE ps.database_id = DB_ID() AND page_count > 5
ORDER BY ps.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC

Run this query to find your worst indexes. Having the results on the query window, I just had to go through the list, and with 2 clics on the left pane (your DB) expand the appropiate table, find the index, Right click on it, and then either REBUILD or REORGANIZE index.

A good rule of thumb is to Reorganize if you have < 40% fragmentation, or to Rebuild for > 40% fragmentation.

In fact, this index rebuilding/reorganizing was so successful we're now thinking of automating this process, as index fixing can also be done with SQL code. So a SQL Job could run the above code, iterate the results and rebuild each index. Fragmentation just happens as time goes by, specially if you add/modify/delete many entities (Products, PVariants, and so on), so be sure to check again from time to time.

Again, I'm not sure how much each of these steps adds to the overall performance gain, but the site is now like 500% faster. You can check it out at www.voipcentrix.com.

Hope this helps, best regards

I hope someone can give us some advice because we are experimenting some random processor usage surges.

We have a VPS Pro in Arvixe (HD: 80 GB, RAM: 3GB, unlimited data transfer, 4 CPU cores, Windows server 2008 and MSSQL 2008) for hosting 4 minor stores based on NOP 2.6. Altogether they have around 1500 products, 1500 visitors per day, no more than 15 concurrent users. The only one particularity is that one of the shops (http://www.distribuidoresquimal.com.mx/) has some pages with heavy images and visual effects, and sometimes it might have up to 6 concurrent administrators taking orders by impersonating customers.

We have applied all recommendations by cdelaorden and reset the server 1 or 2 times a week. The problem is that we are experimenting response time jumps from the normal (around 0.6 to 0.7 seconds, measured by pingdom.com in the shop i mentioned above) to 2 or 3 times that and some single measurements are  above 5 seconds. That lasts around 30 to 60 minutes and then goes back to normal. There can be 2 or 3 days without problems and then a day come s with one or 2 of these jumps. Most strange is that this also happens at times with no traffic at all, like midnight or very early in the morning or late evenings. We have compared response time graphs with traffic graphs and there is no  apparent relationship. We have other v1.9 shops with much more traffic/products (3 times as much) in VPS and we are not experiencing any problems.

Does anyone has a clue what might be causing this problem? Can  Arvixe VPS be the problem, for it happens at no traffic hours too?

Thanks in advance
11 年 前

I've escalated this, and the server's being reviewed now, to see if there's any behavior on the network that might correlate to your issue. If you have documentation that shows exact times this occurs, I can pass it along, and they can compare your times with server/network activity, to better identify a solution. Thanks!
11 年 前
IndigoTea wrote:

I've escalated this, and the server's being reviewed now, to see if there's any behavior on the network that might correlate to your issue. If you have documentation that shows exact times this occurs, I can pass it along, and they can compare your times with server/network activity, to better identify a solution. Thanks!

Thank you Carole. Noah PMed me and I just provided him all the info about this.
11 年 前
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Try VPS Land:


Windows will be an extra $10 from the price you see at the bottom.  $35/month for 1 GHz and 1GB of RAM isn't bad.  I've been using them for side projects and it seems stable so far.

An update, I'm in the process of leaving VPS Land for MyHosting.  VPS Land is running Windows Server 2008 and MyHosting is running Server 2008 R2.  My Windows directory on VPSLand had grown to fill all but 500MB of my 20GB of space.  From the research I did it seems like it's a flaw that they fixed in R2.  It doesn't hurt that MyHosting offers 40GB of space for the same price.

I haven't used support on either site so no reviews there.
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