Start a task in background manually

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11 年 前
I have developed a task, and it's working fine.

I would like to implement also the possibility to run this task once, manually, from the configuration page (for testing purpose) in background (the task take some time to complete).

Does anyone know if it's possible manually execute in background  a nopcommerce task and where  should  I look ?

thanks for any help

11 年 前
This is off the top of my head.  I don't have the code base in front of me but I have done this before for testing purposes.

You can call the service method that Execute() uses for your task directly from your controller.

public void ExecuteMyTask()
//do stuff

public MyController(IMyService myService)
_myService = myService;

public ActionResult ExecuteMyTaskOnce()
//other stuff

Not sure exactly how you have things setup but this is pretty much all there is too it.  Hope this helps.

11 年 前
Uhm .... I don't think this is going to run in background / asynchronously ...

this is just to call directly a class that implements ITask interface, and yes, works, but not in background.
11 年 前
something like this:

Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>
//DO YOUR STUFF                
} );
11 年 前
I need the EF of nopcommerce , that is not thread safe... and i have no idea about instantiate a new context....or if is possible...

I'm trying to understand nopcommerce Task logic , but ThreadTask have internal constructors and it's anyway too advanced for my skill...
11 年 前
ok.. looks like my dev environment was messed up... I suppose also the other solustion might work

inside the controller you are using place:

public ActionResult StuffToexecuteInBackground(DateTime StartSynchronizeFrom)
            var plugin = RetrievePluginInstance();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(plugin.Synchronize, objectWithParameters);

            return Configure();

11 年 前
strange for some reason

GetCurrentIpAddress() in webhelper class don't like being called in a new thread...
11 年 前
You're not in a web context during a task on a separate thread.  There is no HttpRequest to pull that info from.
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