Grab ID or Name of Selected Language within Razor

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11 年 前
Hi guys

So basically as the title of the thread suggests. All I want to know is how I can check what Language is currently selected for the store, so that I can use it in an if statement to display whatever I want based on the selected language.

I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank You.

11 年 前
Add the Language field to your Model and set it with IWorkContext.WorkingLanguage
11 年 前
Thanks Andy.

When I do, WorkContext returns null ! Here is my code:

public partial class HomeController : BaseNopController
        private readonly IWorkContext _workContext;

        public ActionResult Index()
            var x = _workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id;
            ViewBag.ActiveLanguageId = x;
            return View();
11 年 前
You need to add it as a dependency in your constructor, similar to services or settings.
11 年 前
Thank You Andy, that did it :)
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