Upgrade 2.6 to 2.65

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11 年 前
Forgive the newbie question. I have downloaded the upgrade script to upgrade from 2.6 to 2.65. The initial 2.6 installation was done directly on the host server. Where / how do i run the sql 2.65 upgrade script? Do i FTP copy back files (which ones?) to my laptop from the host, run the sql script somewhere and then FTP the files back to the host server?
11 年 前
ok, an update, I ran the sql script via the SSMS and it seemed to run ok, but looking at the sql query it creates various tables, but looking at the list of tables i cant see the new ones i.e. keywordproducts. How do i know the script has done what it was meant to?

Also the readme.txt says

3. Remove all files from the previous version except App_Data\Settings.txt and App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt
4. Upload new site files
5. Copy back App_Data\Settings.txt and App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt files
6. Ensure that everything is OK

where are the new site files to upload?
11 年 前
The table #keywordproducts is a temporary table used by the stored procedure 'ProductLoadAllPaged' -you won't see this table in your database. The upgrade script drops and recreates this stored procedure. SMSS will display a message at the bottom 'Query executed successfully' if the script executes with no errors.

The 'new site files' in step 4 refers to the no source release of nopCommerce (nopCommerce 2.65 - Web (no source code)) or the deployable files created from the source (nopCommerce 2.65 - Source Code) with 'Prepare.bat' and 'Deploy.bat'.

nopCommerce 2.65 source and no source downloads:

11 年 前
tried to do all this five hours ago and still getting no where.

i upgraded the database and had a couple of errors nothing huge then everyytime i upload all the files it keep wanting to go to the installation page. then when i go through the installation page i keep getting inner exception errors
11 年 前
thanks mb, just what i needed, seemed to upgrade ok. The store is available
11 年 前
the photoball king wrote:
tried to do all this five hours ago and still getting no where.

i upgraded the database and had a couple of errors nothing huge then everyytime i upload all the files it keep wanting to go to the installation page. then when i go through the installation page i keep getting inner exception errors

The install page will display if the file App_Data\Settings.txt is not present or is present but doesn't have a connection string defined. The site may have been accessed with the new files in place, but before the Settings.txt file was uploaded.

To resolve, ensure the file App_Data\Settings.txt is present and has a connection string, then click the 'Restart installation' link at the bottom of the install page. This will restart the application and redirect you to the home page.

11 年 前
I hate to say it but this is the third version upgrade and it has been a nightmare each time. I have had to enter the data again each time. Surely it cant have been that hard to upgrade without everything coming down about my ears.

I did any upgrade via my webhost and nothing but problems. then did an upgrade via local host and upgrade worked fine but the database wont work on my host.

I have a website at the moment with only blank details because the database is not upgrading properly.

Why is this happening, what am i doing?? Some help would greatly appreciated. i cant even go back to my back up because of the change to asp.

hope someone can help and quickly because i am right in the middle of the busy season for me. Happy to pay someone.


I think i upgraded the wrong database and the one i should have updated has become corrupt. Now i have to start again.
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