Product Variant info in ver 2.6

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11 年 前

how can I ad a field in to product variant info.

I need to ad product variant info. i.e. I would like to add "condition" and options new, used. It should show next to the price on product page. I dont want to ad it in specification or product attributes because I want to show it to next to the price.
11 年 前
do it in css. just press f12 ( developer tools) in ie./chrome or any other browser supperted. select the field you want to reposition. do changes in the margin values. and update the same in your style.css file in your theme/yourtheme/content/style.css file. you can achive it.  :)
11 年 前
Let me rephrase my question. I need a field in "product variant info" in admin area with options. The field name would be "condition" just like we have tax category. So I can put the condition of the item there and I want this to be displayed next to the price on product page.

I hope I was able to explain my question properly.

Any suggestion.

11 年 前
Check release notes for v2.6:
•Developers. Added generic attribute support (now you can add a new property to any entity without database changes). Previously we could do it only for "Customer" entity (we had "CustomerAttribute" associated entity). Now we have "GenericAttribute" and "IGenericAttributeService".
11 年 前
How do I change or add generic attributes? Can you please show me or explain me little bit.

11 年 前
marifkhan wrote:
How do I change or add generic attributes? Can you please show me or explain me little bit.


This will require some customization work,  but I am afraid I dont have coding experience :(. Lets hope someone else gives you some guidance
11 年 前
Here is how to extend tables using Generic Attributes. I have used it to extend Product as an example.

Generic Attribute Schema:

Column  Type
Id           int
EntityId   int
KeyGroup   nvarchar
Key           nvarchar
Value   nvarchar

Sample Data:
Id  EntityId  KeyGroup           Key                      Value
1  1          Customer           FirstName               Hari
2  1          Customer           LastName               Dupati
32  54845  ProductVariant   Barcode               111
33  54845  ProductVariant   YearToDateSales    222


1.  Create SystemProductAttributeNames class under Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog Namespace

namespace Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog
    public partial class SystemProductAttributeNames
        public static string Barcode { get { return "Barcode"; } }

        public static string YearToDateSales { get { return "YearToDateSales"; } }


2. Inserting or Updating Attributes for an Entity.

  _genericAttributeService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IGenericAttributeService>();

/// create an instance of productVariant

_genericAttributeService.SaveAttribute(productVariant, SystemProductAttributeNames.Barcode, "111");

_genericAttributeService.SaveAttribute(productVariant, SystemProductAttributeNames.YearToDateSales, "222");

3.Retreiving Attribute value based on Keygroup,Entity and Key using GenericAttributeServiceExtensions

string barcode = productVariant.GetAttribute<string>(SystemProductAttributeNames.Barcode);
decimal yeartodatesales = productVariant.GetAttribute<decimal>(SystemProductAttributeNames.YearToDateSales);


Nop Code Reference:

Nop.Services:  Nop.Services\Common\IGenericAttributeService.cs
IGenericAttributeService (in Nop.Services.Common)
•  DeleteAttribute(GenericAttribute attribute):void
•  GetAttributeById(int attributeId):GenericAttribute
•  InsertAttribute(GenericAttribute attribute):void
•  UpdateAttribute(GenericAttribute attribute):void
•  GetAttributesForEntity(int entityId, string keyGroup):IList
•  SaveAttribute(BaseEntity entity, string key, TPropType value):void

GenericAttributeExtentions (in Nop.Services.Common)

•    GetAttribute(this BaseEntity entity, string key):TPropType
•    GetAttribute(this BaseEntity entity, string key, IGenericAttributeService genericAttributeService):TPropType
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