After Sale Services

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11 年 前

My customer requested new change to NopCommerce, He is asking for a new module to manage after sale services.
Example :
Product : Motor Cycle.
Some components from this products needs to be changed ana maintained on a specific schedule, Customer requested a module to handel these opertions.

Is this module available anywhere, Or Should I start developing it ?

Best regards,
11 年 前
I haven’t checked if a module already exist for that…but my guess is…It doesn’t.

Chances are you’re better off creating your own module as your client requirements may be specific to him/her industry and needs.

In addition, if new features are eventually going to show up. It’ll be easier for you to “add” these functionalities to your newly created module.

Food for thoughts!

Hope this helps
11 年 前
I don't think there is such a module. Start developing it! :P
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