Hi Guys

I evaluated V2.0 when it first came out and was generally horrified by how slow it was, to the point where I lost all interest in nopCommerce.

I recently downloaded V2.65 and found it MUCH faster (perhaps not as fast as I would like, but definitely getting there). Appreciating that V2.7 will use EF5 (which I've used in a project and found it to be very fast), my opinion shifted to one of active interest.

Then I saw this post: https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/16551/nopcommerce-slow.aspx and felt that the opinions expressed there (i.e. that nopCommerce is slow) were opposite to what I'm seeing.

So, I thought the best thing to do would be to ask the community for your feel on performance.

As others have said, if nopCommerce is to gain wide acceptance, it needs to be able to deliver pages in around 300mS when the product database has 25K products in it, and 10 or 15 people are browsing the site. I say this as somebody who builds medium scale ecommerce sites for a living.

I'm interested to hear if people are running sites under these conditions, what the average initial GET time for a product or category page is.

Many thanks
