How to upgrade plugin 2.20 to 2.50

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11 年 前
Hi All,

1 year ago, I create one plugin for Nopcommerce 2.20. and now, I try to updated Nopcommerce version 2.20 to 2.50. it's succeed. but my plugin doesn't show on plugin list. How to fix it?


11 年 前
Have you tried RELOAD PLUGIN LIST? :)
11 年 前
wooncherk wrote:
Have you tried RELOAD PLUGIN LIST? :)

Yes, I did follow step:

1. build plugin souce code by using DLL from Nop 2.50.
2. copy my plugin to pulgins directory.
3. restart application and clear cache.
4. go to plugin tab >>> reload

it's not work
11 年 前
Did you update the description.txt? There is a version information there.
6 年 前
Hi Experts,

I would like to know whether only updating the version in 'Description.txt' will be sufficient or any other changes are also required if a plugin written for Version 2.8 is required to be upgraded to work with Version 3.9.

Any help will be appreciated.


6 年 前
No.  nopCommerce upgrades include upgrades to dependent libraries (e.g. AutoFac, etc.), and the plugins also have those same dependencies. So, an old plugin assembly (.dll file) won't work with a newer nopCommerce version.  (There was a time when nopCommerce upgrades were more frequent - e.g. every 2-3 months, and they would not always upgrade dependent libraries, so you could use the same plugin for a couple of releases, but now the nopCommerce releases being 6+ months apart typically have updated dependencies too.)
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