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11 年 前
i have downloaded the 2.70 version and wan´t to upgrade my 2.60.

when i open the NopCommerce.sln i get a incompatible notification besides Nop.Core, Nop.Data and Nop.Service

like this.


im running visual studio 2010, and i have installede 2.5 mvc4.

Do i need to upgrade visual studio as well, or is there some thing wrong with the package :-)
11 年 前
found out that i need to uograde visual studio as well. damn.
11 年 前
Yeah, it's kind of a drag...  Not sure why that decision was made since it kind of excludes a large chunk of the community and those that come along to use Nop.  I'm sure there are quite a few that use VS 2012, but I'd have to imagine there are lots that still use VS 2010.
11 年 前
See this post of mine
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