Nop 2.8 - Set no. products per row

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11 年 前
Where do you set the number of products to display per row in v2.8 ?
11 年 前
There is no setting for this.  You would need to modify the Views (.cshtml files).  Look for "Html.DataList" on the relevant views.

For example, on Category page,  \Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

                @(Html.DataList<CategoryModel.SubCategoryModel>(Model.SubCategories, 3,

Note that depending on the css settings for product box, trying to display 4 across rather than 3 may not fit.   You would have to adjust your stylesheet.
11 年 前
I cannot locate this line of code in CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml v2.8
Can somebody help please? How to change the number of products in row?
11 年 前
Just figured it out. It can be changed by manipulating with "width" property in .home-page-category-grid .category-item in style.css
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