How to Copy Categories in Catalog

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11 年 前

how i can copy categories in catalog?
11 年 前
create a new category

copy all information from old category to new category.
11 年 前
Didn't help.

I mean if i have one category with 10 subcategories with other subcategories inside. I want to create second category with the same subcategories .
11 年 前
You will have to duplicate the subcategories as well since a category can only have 1 parent.
11 年 前
You can easily do that from the DB if you have access. Also be more specific in you question about the requirements like with examples so that someone guide you in the correct manner.
11 年 前
Nop Admin might also be of use to you.

You can probably export the categories modify the excel then re-import as well tho that wont copy over your product mapping or discounts? you didn't say what you actually want copying.
11 年 前
I want to copy just categories tree and fill it with new products.
11 年 前
Did you look at NopAdmin?

I just realised there is no Import for Categories. Won't be to hard to knock one up tho. But probably just as easy to write a copy category tree function.
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