Computer theme released (by nopCommerce team)

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10 年 前
I've just sent you database in PM
10 年 前
genelec wrote:
I've just sent you database in PM

Thanks. After playing with your database I found that you have a lot of categories, subcategories displayed in the top menu. But they were not cached between HTTP requests (as it was originally designed). That's why it was slow. It was just fixed. So please re-download the theme and update files in your local installation.

Thanks a lot for pointing out this issue
10 年 前
One problem solved with speed of template but another problem is showing up.
On main menu we have problem with more then 6 categories. Second row is not shovihg until you move mouse over it, and it is also couse problems with first row (move mouse over it and you see it). test domain
10 年 前
apdejt wrote:
On main menu we have problem with more then 6 categories. Second row is not shovihg until you move mouse over it, and it is also couse problems with first row (move mouse over it and you see it). test domain

But it should not be shown. The top menu supports only one row of categories. It's by design

That's why this theme has the following setting. Go to admin area > plugin > computer theme helper > configure. Set "Number of root categories" value so it fits the top menu category width (only one row). By default it's set to 6
10 年 前
In that case this template is very limited for e-commerce.
10 年 前
apdejt wrote:
In that case this template is very limited for e-commerce.

I absolutely don't agree with you. A top menu category should have only one row. This is how it works on most sites on the web. For example, opencart (one of the best open-source shopping carts) also displays only one row of categories at the top menu. I don't think that it's very limited for e-commerce.

UPDATE: If you want to have more than one menu row, then here is a list of modified CSS styles (for version 3.00). Open \Themes\Computer\Content\styles.css file and replace the original styles with the ones below:
.header-menu {list-style: none outside none;margin-bottom: 10px;zoom: 1}

.header-menu:after {content:".";display:block;clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;line-height:0;visibility:hidden;}

.header-menu .top-menu{ width: 100%;height: 100%;background: url(images/top-menu-background.png);zoom:1}

.header-menu .top-menu:after{content:".";display:block;clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;line-height:0;visibility:hidden;}

.header-menu .top-menu li {text-align: center;min-width: 75px;}

.header-menu .top-menu li .sublist{ position: absolute;background: url(images/gray-background.png);z-index: 9;display: none;white-space: nowrap;border-bottom: 1px solid #605c67;}

.header-menu .top-menu li .sublist.firstLevel{padding: 3px 0;}
10 年 前
apdejt wrote:
On main menu we have problem with more then 6 categories. Second row is not shovihg until you move mouse over it, and it is also couse problems with first row (move mouse over it and you see it). test domain

Please see my UPDATE above
10 年 前
We are working on store. Thnx very much for this.
10 年 前
Is there anyone to collate of computer systems .
10 年 前
This theme is really excellent and as more I work with it the more I like it. But I found one more bug and I cant fix it. When you upload more then 4 images on product they came out of grid. See picture on link bellow for ilustration
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