pager settings

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11 年 前
i've tried to change the pager settings to more items per page than the default 2, 4, 6, 12...but the default remains...any help on how to change this?
11 年 前
Perhaps you do not change the settings where necessary. For different pages they vary in different areas of the admin. For which page you want to change the display of products?
11 年 前

You need to go to admin - catalog - categories ... choose the category your item is displayed in then edit the 'SEO' tab

you will see the items per page settings.
11 年 前
allow these to change the number of products displayed on first row...default is 4...I'd like to change to 3.

11 年 前
To do this you need to increase the width of the box with the product. Edit the style .product-grid .product-item.
11 年 前
AWSOME!!! thanks for the amazing help
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