Change Shipping Info Page on Home Page

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10 年 前
On nop 3.0 the default clean theme there is a list of links to pages on the right column called Information.
One of the items is Shipping Info.  I would like to change it or add a new link to another page I created.

The system name is shippinginfo.  However I can not change that in the "All setting (Advaned)" menu as it is not found.

I do not want to modify the code to nop but will change style sheets.

Is there a way to either change the Shippinginfo to somehing else or add a new link to the Information list on the home page?
10 年 前
dreamcatchers wrote:
On nop 3.0 the default clean theme there is a list of links to pages on the right column called Information.
One of the items is Shipping Info.  I would like to change it or add a new link to another page I created.

The system name is shippinginfo.  However I can not change that in the "All setting (Advaned)" menu as it is not found.

I do not want to modify the code to nop but will change style sheets.

Is there a way to either change the Shippinginfo to somehing else or add a new link to the Information list on the home page?

You need to change the View for that. :)
10 年 前

I found the file at:  views/common/infoblock.cshtml

It is layedout so easy.  I can modify or add with ease.  Just what I was looking for.

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "shippinginfo" })">@T("ShippingReturns")</a></li>
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "privacyinfo" })">@T("PrivacyNotice")</a></li>
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "conditionsofUse" })">@T("ConditionsOfUse")</a></li>
10 年 前
I am confused on the Title that is displayed.

I created a page and put a regular title but the display on the webpage is the system name.  When I look at the other entries in the infoblock.cshtml they only specify the system name.  So I reasoned that if I changed their title in the topics page editor then it would change on the home page.  It does not.

My only gues is the Title that is displayed on the home page is stored as a default value in the system name table.  However I can't find where to edit the system names.

Am I on the right track or going down a rat hole?
10 年 前
There is no "system name table".   The System Name is not a Setting either.

The infoblock contains links to Topics  (Admin > Content Management > Topics).  The system name references a topic.
The the text you see in the infoblock link is based on @T("ShippingReturns") which is a reference to a language string resource. (Admin > Configuration > Languages)
10 年 前
Thats it!  Languages!

I remember see how to change basic system names and forgot it was in languages.  I can now make the correction.

For multiple languages I will need to make the change for each as it will not be carried over in the standard language file.

I keep a configuration/Changes log where I document each code change.  I'll note it there and then remember for future upgrades and language add-ons.
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