Featured product and other fine modules

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14 年 前

Is there a module available for featured products on the home page ?

From what I've seen from other nopCommerce sites, this seams a standard webcart, not many bells and whistles ? If you know of a nopCommerce site with flash / Ajax pls forward me the URL or tell me about these add-on's.

14 年 前
there is a checkbox on each product which allows you to select if/which appears on the front page

regards your other  point,

its not difficult to introduce these features yourself ... look in the showoff forum group
14 年 前
to add to what haydie wrote, you can even make a product a featured product within the category it blongs to only:
to do that,
1 - goto the categorie
2 - select Products tab
3 - check column "Featured Product" as needed.

this will make the checked product appear in the top of that category page as featured
14 年 前
Shouldn't nopcommerce provide a page with some of the best modules and effects available other than a forum where anyone can post  a link to their website which in some cases really isn't brinmging the best out of this product.

I couldn't find any animated effects, i.e menu's and enlarge picture etc
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