Can't Login in Admin or even go in 'My Account'

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14 年 前
I got it all working on my local computer, then I've transfer to server.  On the website server, I've login as administrator okay and showing email on top right corner but there no Administration button, and also when I click on 'My Account' and it turn out as login page.  Any idea how this happen?


Edit: NopCommerce Version 1.50
14 年 前
are you sure you are opening the link:
http://yourstorename.xx/adminstration/ ?

there you enter your admin email/pass.
14 年 前
Yes I went to Administration page and login from there..and there no error such as wrong password etc.  It just refresh the page itself after I pressed login button.
14 年 前
do a search for   login  on the forums, several people have had issues, sometimes caused by the host, ssl cert, etc

try these to begin with
14 年 前
I got it working now... problem is there missing file 'Global.asax' in root. Now all work.  Thanks
14 年 前

I've same issues, Every thing is fine at localhost, but not working after hosting on server (upgrade nop 1.4 to 1.5).

After login its shows that user is logedin but Admin can't access the administration page. There is no Administration Link in Header, User Can not checkout, User can't go to My Account page etc.  Please any help!

you can check it
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