Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

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7 年 前
I am exploring nopcommerce and experiencing a system.outofmemoryexception at my provider.

It's after adding a new product.
I can see that the record is being added, but when i tried to get an overview of all products i get this error.
I only have 1 record in the Products table

something with imageresizer ??

c:\Users\Richard\Downloads\nopCommerce_3.70_Source\Libraries\Nop.Services\Media\PictureService.cs:line 403 at Nop.Services.Media.PictureService.GetPictureUrl(Picture picture, Int32 targetSize, Boolean showDefaultPicture, String storeLocation, PictureType defaultPictureType) in c:\Users\Richard\Downloads\nopCommerce_3.70_Source\Libraries\Nop.Services\Media\PictureService.cs:line 462 at Nop.Admin.Controllers.ProductController.
7 年 前
Looks like the issue is with a picture file you added to this product. Could you please share it?
7 年 前
no picture at all.
Because you first have to save the product.
But after saving it, I can't get to this product, because of the error when clicking for the productlist
7 年 前
According to your log the exception is thrown when the site tries to resize a default image. Do you experience this issue on local computer (when run in Visual Studio)?
7 年 前

and on another testdomain it also works fine.

only difference is the mega menu plugin that i am using here
7 年 前
Please ensure that following file exist and you (asp.net process) have read access to it:  \Content\Images\default-image.png and \Content\Images\default-image.gif
7 年 前
yes, it's there..

also copied it into the themes content\image folder (just in case) but unfortunately the error is still there

and they have access
7 年 前
when removing the default* png files from de Images folder, the error disappears.
But can't upload a new picture ... in the log the same error is shown.
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