reset admin password how v 1.50

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14 年 前
i had to reinstall nopcomcece cause the customer had a different url they wanted but buy god can i not login in after the default installation password [email protected] how do i reset password in 1.50 as it has the saltkey and password hash thanks
14 年 前
if you are hosting on godaddy, I know there are password related issues (something about passwords and usernames being set up as your default  godday ones ) i donn't know exactly but there is lots of discussion about it on the forum

in the meantime, you could register a new user and then edit the database directly to make that user admin


you could also paste the password hash and salt key of a password you know into appropriate columns of your admin user
14 年 前
sorted that one was able to log in from front end then my back end suddnely worked dont ask i dont no why that be case
7 年 前
i accedentally remove my admin account on nopcommerce, now i've alrady read all the things to do.. how can i access my data base? to make a new admin user in my website? hope to have an answer asap ;(((
7 年 前
123456abc wrote:
i accedentally remove my admin account on nopcommerce, now i've alrady read all the things to do.. how can i access my data base? to make a new admin user in my website? hope to have an answer asap ;(((

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