No Database Instance

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6 年 前
Hi all,
I performed windows updates and I got this message. Crazy part is that I have 2 web servers. the one that is not patched seems to work fine. I have uninstalled all the updates and yet; no dice. Nothing seems to have changed and the other server is still working without incident. So ... Yes, the connection string is valid and working, Logins are working and the site read/write to the appropriate directories.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
6 年 前
did you check as per the above "In my case was the IIS User (IIS_IUSRS) without write permissions on the application folder"
6 年 前
Hi, we are having the same issue - just since we patched our SQL Server over the weekend. We are not using Windows Authentication. I have checked that the IIS_IUSRS has write permissions. I have also verified that the Apppool user has write permission as well.
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