Build Errors using Release config

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6 年 前

I'm using the source code of an existing project
With config set to Debug, the project builds with no errors.
However, with config set to Release, I get multiple errors like this:

Metadata file:'path\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\bin\Release\Nop.Web.Framework.dll' could not be found

All the errors reference the same file.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Note the source code was extracted from a zip file but I unblocked the contents before unzipping.

Thanks in advance.
6 年 前
right click on that project in VS solution explorer and ensure it builds.
6 年 前
It doesn't - right click and Build/Rebuild produces the error.
6 年 前
sb65 wrote:
It doesn't - right click and Build/Rebuild produces the error.

Ok. Check the references for that project.
6 年 前
OK, thanks.

Building Nop.Web.Framework with Config on Release generates two errors to missing referenced components Recaptcha and Recaptcha.Web

How would I install these?
6 年 前
Never mind, got it.

If anyone else has the same issue, I did the following:

Deleted both References (which were showing error symbols)

Via Project > ManageNuGet Packages

reinstalled recaptcha
reinstalled reCAPTCHA4NET

Solution now builds without an error.

Thanks @seanrock for pointing me in the right direction.
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